
In teak, shoot tip and axillary bud collected from seedlings and from mature trees were used to initiate shoot cultures. The best period for collection of buds was January to April. In teak, sprouting of shoot tip and axillary bud was better in seedling, than in mature trees. The effect of cytokinins on shoot multiplication was tested in mature tree cultures and higher levels of benzyl aminopurine and kinetin were found to favour shoot multiplication. In rosewood axillary bud explants taken from mature trees of D. latifolia and D. sissoides gave high rates of contamination. No multiple shoot formation was obtained on cytokinin containing media. Shoot tips, nodes and internodes of mature sandal trees were cultured for induction of multiple shoot andcallus. High rates of contamination was obtained as in teak and rosewood. Callus formation occurred on cut edges of tissues but was slow growing