P.K. Muraleedharan

Dr. PK Muraleedharan retired as Scientist-F and Programme Coordinator of Human Dimensions Division of KFRI. He has completed his M.A. (1976) and Ph.D. in Economics (1983) from the University of Calicut. He received advanced training in Forest Economics from the Ohio State University, USA during 1989-1990. He also received short term training in Forest and Environmental Economics from the following Institutions: Oxford Forestry Institution and Natural Resource Institute, UK in 1995, Indian Institute of Forest Management, Bhopal in 2000, G.B. Pant Institute of Himalayan Environment and Development, Almora in 2001 and International Agricultural Centre, Wageningen University, Netherlands in 2002. Dr. Muraleedharan was appointed as Scientist, in the Division of Economics in 1982. He was appointed as Forest Economist and Scientist-in-Charge in the Division of Economics and promoted to the post of Programme Coordinator. He received fellowships of the Ford Foundation (USA) and ITTO (Japan) for Post Doct