Dr. Deepu Sivadas

Junior Scientist/Scientist B
Department of Forest Ecology
Kerala Forest Research Institute
Peechi P.O, Thrissur District
Kerala - 680653, India.
Phone: 91-487-2690231
e-mail: deepu@kfri.res.in
Dr Deepu Sivadas is trained as a Plant Ecologist and Taxonomist with a primary interest in the conservation ecology of threatened plants in the Western Ghats, India with about 12 years research experience. He is an IUCN certified NbS Professional and Red List Assessor, also trained in integrating Disaster Impact Assessment (DIA) in Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). He is a member of IUCN Commissions and various other international networks like BGCI, GGBN, BES Network etc. He is currently the Lead Author of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) Nexus Assessment. He has been awarded Kerala State Young Scientist Award 2020 and BGCI Marsh Awards for International Plant Conservation 2021. In the line of research interest, he had conceived and managed several domestic and international funded programmes with support from DST-SERB Govt. of India, KSBB, BGCI, IUCN and GGI.

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