Extension and Training � Training


Training Department of KFRI offers specialized training courses in tropical forestry to meet the requirement of various stakeholders. KFRI is an approved training centre of the Ministry of Environment Forests, Government of India for the compulsory training courses and workshops for the officers of the Indian Forest Service. Various State forest departments also have sponsored candidates for several training courses in the past. Overseas participants from Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, China, Nepal, Ethiopia and Uganda have attended different training courses.

Training facility has modern lecture hall, seminar hall, meeting room and computer hall with internet facility. Accommodation is provided in the International Guest House having modern facilities.

Ongoing Research Projects

  1. Training of farmers/artisans/field functioneries

Contact: Dr. AV Raghu
Kerala Forest Research Institute
Peechi 680653, Thrissur, Kerala, INDIA
Tel: +91-487-2690330
e-mail: training@kfri.res.in