Team KFRI » Scientist Profile
Dr. Suma Arun Dev
Principal Scientist
Department of Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding
Forest Genetics and Biotechnology Division
Phone: 91 - 487 - 2690191
[Research Gate]
Focused areas:
- Conservation of forest genetic resources for adaptive traits using transcriptomics approaches
- Productivity improvement of teak/ sandal/cane, etc. using genome wide (NGS) markers
- Conservation genetics of rare, endangered and threatened (RET) species.
- Molecular Phylogeny and Evolution
- DNA barcoding for biosystematics and authentication of wood/non-wood forest produce
- Timber forensics
Total number of publications: 62
Academics and profession:
Seventeen years of postdoctoral research experience in the field of Forest conservation Genetics, DNA barcoding, molecular biology, genomics/metagenomics and Transcriptomics. Current research areas include:
- Documentation of Population demography and genetic structure using genome wide SSRs (NGS approach) (DBT, Government of India).
- DNA barcoding for timber forensics (KFDF, Govt. of Kerala) & Authentication of Ayurvedic raw drugs (NMPB, Govt. of India).
- Adaptive genetics of forest trees.
- Conservation genetics of rare, endangered and threatened (RET) species.