Services » Services


KFRI Offers following services
  1. Conducts research on problem subjects in forestry and environment suggested by various agencies including State Government departments
  2. Undertakes research on long-term research agenda
  3. Imparts training to Staff of the Forest Departments from Kerala and other States
  4. Performs Environmental Impact Assessment of development projects
  5. Collates, organise, analyse and present updated databases on forest resources
  6. Provides expert opinion on disputed ecological issues to the Judiciary
  7. Investigates problematic forestry/environmental issues for the Kerala Forest Department
  8. Assists the State Government/Government Departments for framing forestry related developmental projects and programmes
  9. Explores and documents new plant, animal and microbial species
  10. Conducts Seminars/Symposia/Conferences and brings out the collated information
  11. Facilitates conduct of scientific and science-oriented meetings/conferences
  12. Offers specialized lectures on various topics on environment, conservation and forestry
  13. Organizes, maintains and makes available live collections of native plants of various groups such as palms, bamboos, orchids, trees, medicinal plants, threatened plants, etc.