Team KFRI » Scientist Profile
Dr. AV Raghu
Principal Scientist
Department of Extension
Extension and Training Division
Phone: 91 - 487 - 2690331
Mobile: 9847903430
Dr. A. V. Raghu obtained his master in Plant Science in Plant Science (year 1998) and Ph.D in Botany (year 2006) from Department of Botany, University of Calicut. He worked as Scientist at Centre for Medicinal Plants Research (CMPR), Arya Vaidya Sala, Kottakkal from 2003-2010 and joined the Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi, Kerala, as a scientist in December 2010. He has been working in the conservation and biotechnological aspects of medicinal plants and forestry species. He has also actively engaged in various extension activities at KFRI especially by organizing training programmes, awareness campaigns, seminars, workshops, farmers meet etc. He is a qualified Training Need Analysis (TNA) consultant.
Focused areas: Extension and Training, Genetics & Plant Breeding
Total number of publications:
Academics and profession:
- Working in the conservation and biotechnological aspects of medicinal plants and forestry species.
- Actively engaged in various extension activities at KFRI especially by organizing training programmes, awareness campaigns, seminars, workshops, farmers meet etc.
- Published research papers in reputed journals and presented in National and International Symposia in India and abroad and bagged awards.
Other information:
He serves as editorial board member and reviewer of reputed academic journals and he is guiding students working towards their M.Sc., M phil. and Ph. D degrees. He has several popular articles, books, documentaries and extension modules to his credit. He is a qualified Training Need Analysis (TNA) consultant.