Team KFRI » Scientist Profile
Dr. Wable Pawan Shyamrao
Scientist/Scientist C
Department of Soil Science
Sustainable Forest Management Division
Phone: 91-487-2690182
Mobile: 9547891559
Whatsapp No. 9547891559 [Linked In] [Research Gate]
Focused areas: Watershed Management, Statistical Hydrology, Hydrological Modeling, Hydrological Extremes.
Total number of publications: Journal Papers: 11, Paper Presented in International Conferences: 06, Book Chapters: 01.
Academics and profession:
- PhD in Land and Water Resources Engineering, IIT Kharagpur (2018)
- M.Tech in Water Resources Development and Management, IIT Kharagpur (2011)
- B.Tech in Agricultural Engineering, M.P.K.V, Rahuri, Maharashtra (2009)
Recent positions:
- Visiting Scientist (2020-2021) at ICRISAT, Hyderabad.
- Research Associate (2017-2019) at ICRISAT, Hyderabad.
Other information:
- Life membership of Indian Society of Agricultural Engineers, New Delhi, India.
- Life membership of Indian Association of Hydrologists, Roorkee, India.
- Life membership of Association of Agrometeorologists, Anand, India.
- Member of International Association of Hydrological Sciences, Oxfordshire, UK.