Books » Tropical Forest Ecosystem Conservation and Development in South and South-East Asia

Tropical Forest Ecosystem Conservation and Development in South and South-East Asia

Dr. K.K.N. Nair , Dr. K Vishnu Bhat, Dr. J.K Sharma, Dr. K Swarupanandan
Size: Softbound; 18 x 24 cm
Pages: 297
Year: 1990
Price: Rs.200/ $20
ISBN : ISBN 81-85041-05-9
Publisher: KFRI
Status: Available

Proceedings of the Man and Biosphere Regional Training Workshop organised by UNESCO, Ministry of Environment and Forests, Movement of India and International Development Research Centre, Canada. It contains chapters on different tropical forest ecosystems, biological conservation, biosphere reserves, ecosystem re- development, man-forest interaction and modern tools in ecosystem and biodiversity conservation. Several case studies pertaining to different aspects of tropical forest ecosystems in South and South-East Asia are also included in the book apart from recommendations of the Workshop on management and research and training needs to conserve and restore the tropical forest ecosystem in South and South-East Asia.