Forest Health � Forest Pathology

Forest Pathology

The Division maintains authentic collections of microbes and insects of Kerala forests and also of microbial pathogens of forest insects. Eco-friendly technologies are being developed to manage the pests, diseases and weeds in forest plantations, through biological means. Management of nursery and plantation diseases, diversity of plant pathogenic fungi in different forest ecosystems, VA and ectomycorrhizal fungal diversity and biological control of weeds are the main areas of research in Pathology Department.

Ongoing Research Projects

  1. Morpho-molecular charactrization and ex-situ conservation of phytopathogenic fungi of Aralam, Wildlife Sanctuary, Kerala and evaluation of antifungal efficiency of five selected medicinal plants leaf extracts against isolated most phytopathogenic fungi
  2. Biological management of pest and diseases of selected commercially imporatant medicinal plants
  3. Development of protocol for rapid detection of Ganoderma disease in plantations and Agro-ecosystems of Kerala
  4. Plant growth promoting and biocontrol microbes for high quality bamboo planting stock production

Contact: Dr. Shambhu Kumar
Kerala Forest Research Institute
Peechi 680653, Thrissur, Kerala, INDIA
Tel: +91-487-2690322