Notice Board » Opportunities

Project Fellow( No. KSCSTE-KFRI/ Admn- HRC /GOK RP 893/2024 )

A walk-in interview to fill the post of   Project Fellow to join a time-bound research programme on "Population Estimation, Stakeholder Perspectives and Conflict Mitigation Strategies for Bonnet Macaques (Macaca Radiata) in Kerala". will be held at 10.00 am onward on 13th February 2025, at KFRI . Candidates who satisfy the eligibility criterion mentioned below are invited to attend the interview. Please bring testimonials in original.

Project Fellow - 1
Project No. KFRI –GOK RP-893/2024 "Population Estimation, Stakeholder Perspectives and Conflict Mitigation Strategies for Bonnet Macaques (Macaca Radiata) in Kerala".
No. of post: One
Duration Up to : 24.11.2026
Essential qualification: 1. First class Master of Science in Wildlife Sciences/Wildlife Biology/Zoology/Environmental Science
2. Minimum one-year experience in wildlife related field research
Desirable Qualification: Experience in field data collection on primates/vertebrates, human-wildlife interactions, working with local / indigenous communities and forest departments.
Knowledge in computer applications.  
Fellowship: Rs. 22,000 /- per month
Age As on 01/01/2025 - 36 years. Age relaxation of five years in the case of scheduled caste/scheduled tribe candidates and three years in the case of other backward communities as per government rules will be given.
Walk-in-interview Date, time and place: 13/02/2025 10.00 AM KSCSTE-KERALA FOREST RESEARCH INSTITUTE PEECHI 

Registrar i/c

Date of notification: February 5, 2025 February 13, 2025
