Project Fellow - 1
Project No. KFRI –GOK RP-893/2024 "Population Estimation, Stakeholder Perspectives and Conflict Mitigation Strategies for Bonnet Macaques (Macaca Radiata) in Kerala".
No. of post: One
Duration Up to : 24.11.2026
Essential qualification: 1. First class Master of Science in Wildlife Sciences/Wildlife Biology/Zoology/Environmental Science
2. Minimum one-year experience in wildlife related field research
Desirable Qualification: Experience in field data collection on primates/vertebrates, human-wildlife interactions, working with local / indigenous communities and forest departments.
Knowledge in computer applications.
Fellowship: Rs. 22,000 /- per month
Age As on 01/01/2025 - 36 years. Age relaxation of five years in the case of scheduled caste/scheduled tribe candidates and three years in the case of other backward communities as per government rules will be given.
Walk-in-interview Date, time and place: 13/02/2025 10.00 AM KSCSTE-KERALA FOREST RESEARCH INSTITUTE PEECHI
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